the challenge

To develop a communication plan able to raise consciousness in dog and cat-owners on the problem of osteoarthritis, in order to stress the effectiveness of Flexadin as e remedy


the solution

Creating a concept and a key-visual that immediately encapsulate the problems caused by the disease, finding the right balance between problem visualization and product benefits.

The human brain considers pets as part of the family: this is why the empathy that ties the owners to their cats/dogs is very strong.

The visual stratagem of the creased paper immediately catches the attention, and – despite being strong and impactful, doesn’t turn the message into something unpleasant and manages to divert the attention onto the problem.

Not only a strong creative idea, but also a strategy for a tailor-made integrated communication project.

The project involved a sinergy of points of sale, veterinary studies and a structured system of in-store materials, with the aim not only to increase visibility but most of all to inform consumers about problems and solutions with great care.
